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Into the light

Into the light CARDIFF (UK), 14-15-16/02/2019 h 19:30, Sherman Theatre UK TOUR, 01-13/03/2019, (Brecon, Birmingham, Blackwood, Aberystwythm, Bangor, Manchester) BOLZANO/BOZEN (IT), 13/04/2019 h 21, Teatro…

Trattato di economia

Corpi eretici/Häretische Körper Sabato/Samstag 16/02/2019 h 21:00 Teatro Gries/Stadttheater Gries, Galleria Telser Gallerie 12, Bolzano/Bozen

bad lambs

Corpi eretici/Häretische Körper Giovedì/Donnerstag 07/02/2019 h 21:00 Teatro Cristallo, via Dalmazia | Dalmatienstr. 30, Bolzano/Bozen